Thursday, October 31, 2019

New york landmarks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New york landmarks - Essay Example Accordingly, it stood as the tallest building in the world for more than forty years. It was replaced by the World Trade Center as the tallest building in City of New York but regained this important position following the horrendous destruction of the World Trade Center in the infamous attacks of September 11, 2001. The Statue of Liberty is a pure copper monument which stands overlooking Manhattan on the Island of Liberty. It is officially entitled Liberty Enlightening the World and was a monument donated to the City of New York by the French government on the 100 year anniversary of the US Declaration of Independence. What is significant about the Statue of Liberty is that it is a beacon of hope and signifies the important role that liberty played in the development of the United States of America. Liberty Island is an important transit point for migrants and travelers who arrive by ship. Accordingly, this monument has come to signify the United States to millions of people account the world. Madison Square Garden is an iconic sports stadium found in Midtown Manhattan. It was built more than one hundred years ago and is home to the New York Nicks, the New York Rangers and a whole host of other events including concerts and conventions. In its present location for more than sixty years, Madison Square Garden presently sits at Pennsylvania Plaza in midtown Manhattan and is representative of the sports entertainment community in New York. The Chrysler Building is an Art Deco landmark – not too dissimilar to the Empire State Building – and was the tallest building in the world until the construction of the Empire State Building in 1931. It is a landmark because of the stylistic interpretation of the designers and can be seen far and wide from the shores of the surrounding boroughs. It represents the Art Deco design par excellence and is viewed as an important landmark on the Manhattan horizon. Finally, the World

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Remedial Reading Essay Example for Free

Remedial Reading Essay Proficient reading is an essential tool for learning a large part of the subject matter taught at school. Reading is the gateway to learning: without it, children cannot access a broad and balanced curriculum. Reading difficulties are associated with negative educational, employment and economic outcomes, making reading- related issues relevant to various policy domains. The negative effects of reading problems are well documented. There is evidence that reading disability is associated with social, economic and psychological problems. Traditional approaches to dealing with reading problems, such as tracing and grade retention, do not help ( especially if it going about dyslexic children. Remedial reading is an extremely important class for children who are struggling with reading. Because these children have difficulties reading, they generally do not like it. It is crucial for remedial reading teachers to make reading fun at the students level. This involved me to find interesting and lively reading materials. play games, use art and creativity during the lessons. First of all I determined the goals of remedial reading : Comprehension- understanding the meaning of words and sentences, integrating this meaning across texts and making inferences beyond the printed words. Decoding- converting printed words to spoken words. Phonics –linking sounds with letters and using these correspondences to read words. Teaching phonics takes account of the fact that there is not always a one-to-one correspondence between letters and sounds: ship has 4 letters, but only 3 sounds. Phonological awareness-awareness and manipulation of the sound structure of speech. This has different levels: syllables( foot-ball), onset-rime( f-oot-b-all), phonemes(f-oo-t-b-a-ll). Spelling and writing- mapping sounds to print, moving from individual letters, to groups of letters ( such as oa and sh), to word, to sentences . This support phonic knowledge for reading. Vocabulary- knowing the meaning of words. Fluency ( one of the major goals)- reading accurately and with sufficient speed. There is clear evidence that unless students become fluent in there ability to identify words, they will have difficulty concentrating their attention on comprehending and responding to the texts the read. I believe reading is an active, meaningful, constructive process. Students are taught to monitor their reading to ensure that what they are reading makes sense. This â€Å" mini remedial reading course† consists of 14 lessons. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes. The type of the lessons is pupil-to teacher ratio. There is no question that one-to-one tutoring is the most powerful form of teaching invention. It seems highly likely that at least some children who are encountering very serious problems in learning to read need the intense support of one-to-one tutoring. For my lessons I was going to use the book â€Å" You Can Do It ! † by Dr Sharon Azaria. I chose it because the units in it are well- organized . Each unit consists of several reading rules, a text based on them reading comprehension and writing activities. New vocabulary is given as well. The types of texts are very predictable which is excellent in early intervention programs. They have recurring language patterns, and include repetition of language elements, which makes them easy for students to read. I think even children with very restricted word recognition capabilities can quickly begin to think of themselves as readers because they are successful with these predictable texts. It is great that the degree of predictability decreases from unit to unit to ensure that students attend to the printed texts in order to build a multifaceted word recognition strategy that will make them increasingly independent readers. I like the fact that texts and exercises become longer and more challenged as the reading capabilities of students grow. So there are many reasons to choose this book: length of texts, challenge of vocabulary, complexity of language, sophistication of concepts, etc. , so that students are challenged to apply the strategies and skills they are learning. MEANS OF TEACHING THE CHILD Texts are carefully selected and sequenced to ensure student success. The stories of the book â€Å" You Can Do It â€Å" contain a great amount of words with a letter or a letter combination on the topic of the lesson. It’s good they are followed by pictures. Reading for meaning . The book â€Å"You Can Do It† will provide me with a series of lessons which can be used as a very effective program for remedial reading. It reflects a model of reading as an active, meaningful, constructive process. Before-reading activities are used to build relevant background knowledge, concepts and vocabulary. With the help of this book the pupil will be taught to monitor his reading to ensure that what he is reading makes sense. The texts he’ll be asked to read are for enjoyment and for the information. Other activities are developed within the framework of reading for meaning. Reading for meaning is the constant point of reference. Intervention instruction is frequent, regular and of sufficient duration to make a difference. Weekly contact with a student ensures that progress is steady and allows me to become very familiar with the pupil and his strengths and needs. It also allows the teacher to reinforce and extend strategic behaviors that the student is acquiring. An instructional period of at least 15-20 minutes allows time for instruction and practice along a number of demonstrations that provide the pupil with the strategies he needs to become an effective reader. Pupil-to-teacher ratio. It seems reasonable to begin with group instruction for most students and to switch to individual instruction for those ones who have difficulty making progress. Word learning activities are used to help children become very familiar with print. Reading new texts and rereading familiar ones ensure that the pupil engages in meaningful, connected reading. This reading course (â€Å" I Can Do It†) includes activities that help students focus on and become familiar with printed words. The student is presented with the letters that form a word from a selection he read. Words are selected because they contain word identification elements that will be useful to the student. Progressively longer words are built from the letters. I can begin by asking the pupil to make take two letters and form the word ( for example the word â€Å"at† ). Next, he can be asked to add a letter to form rat, to change a letter to form cat, to rearrange the letters to form act. Using similar directions he can move through eat, ate, tea. Writing is used to teach and extend word identification skills. It has been recognized that asking students to write words ( not to copy them) is a very effective approach to developing word recognition and reading. For example, my pupil has difficulty with phonemic  awareness ( according to the test analysis) I can draw a box for each of the sounds in the word. The pupil is guided to think about the number of sounds in a word and the letters that represent those sounds. Activities completed at home extend student opportunities for reading. I always mention the importance of cooperation between home and school ( or individual lessons like in our case). Parents will be informed about the nature of our course and regularly updated on their child’s progress, and told about ways in which they can support the child and contribute to his progress. They can reread familiar texts for building fluency. I will care to send home only materials that the pupil can successfully respond to at home without teacher support. Again, the emphasis is on consistent success and the avoidance of failure. Conclusion: Every child has the right to develop into a thoughtful, competent reader. The remedial reading course ( the book â€Å" I Can Do It†) like many other programs calls for considerable teacher decision making, but within a well- defined sequence of instructional activities. When the pupil is reading aloud, I must decide when to coach a child in the use of strategic behavior and which strategies and skills to teach the child to use. When the pupil is writing, decisions must be about how and which forms of support should be given. Through the use of a regular sequence of activities, the pupil quickly come to know what will be happening in each instructional session and the order in which it will happen. Time is not lost in transition or deciding on activities.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Poetry of Jimmy Santiago Baca

Poetry of Jimmy Santiago Baca Many writers and poets have drawn inspiration and motivation from their childhood, past experiences, and hope for the future. Abandoned to an orphanage at a young age, Jimmy Santiago Baca was convicted of drug possession by the age of twenty-one. During his many years in prison, Baca learned how to read and write, eventually publishing his early poems from within the prison walls.   Despite his accomplishments and prestigious awards, Baca remains a humble person by helping kids who are facing the same struggles he faced growing up. Through his poems he shows â€Å"the splendor of human existence amidst the desolate surroundings of prison life† (Baca 7). In his poems, Jimmy Santiago Baca takes the reader through the feelings of loss, dejection, and the quest for identity that relates to his life in prison. Jimmy Santiago Baca grew up with a tough childhood. His parents divorced at an early age, and he was shuffled between relatives and orphanages. During his teenage years, he was in and out of detention centers and was always found spending his time on Albuquerques streets and urban barrios. Baca first began to write poetry during his stay in prison, realizing how to express his thoughts and ideals through poetry. While Baca was in prison for drug charges, he immersed himself in the world of books, reading the works of many famous poets. Through the process of self-discovery, he taught himself English and Spanish, and finally received his GED. His experience in prison consisted of â€Å"lockdowns, solitary confinements, electroshock therapy session, and beatings by prison guards [pushing] him to the lowest ebb of his life† (Baca, CW: SS 3). After prison, Baca left for North Carolina before returning to New Mexico, where he spent time living in Albuquerque working odd jobs such a s a night watchman, janitor, and laborer. Once the birth of his first child occurred, Baca finally settled down with his wife and began â€Å"fully [embracing] his past†¦ with the predominantly Chicano community† (Baca, CW: SS 6). Since then, Baca has begun to seriously publish his works of literature to the public. Jimmy Santiago Baca is considered a renowned Chicano poet because of his â€Å"rich imagery and lyricism of his poetry† (Baca, DA 1). In his works, he suggests that poetry is not always restorative, but resilient when human life is given a chance. When he was given that chance, Baca discovered a state of freedom and humanity away from the dreary realities, by celebrating the human spirit in extreme situations through his poems. Each poem represents a little part of his life from the process of reestablishing his life after his years in prison. His poems never have had a consistent pattern, some may have rhythms similar to prose, but others are very lyrical. The line lengths may vary from short to long, while some poems might have a blend of short and longer lines. With his line maneuvering, Baca had skills in switching tones (Duane, CP 1, 2).The subject of his poems were developed from his experiences, which include his personal responses to the troubled life he lived as a you ng adult. Bacas poetry include the reoccurring â€Å"themes of transformation, metamorphosis, and self-actualization† (Baca, CW: SS 4), which were constant thoughts and changes of Baca. Therefore, his works display the truths of the human heart while in hardship, with the help of â€Å"wisdom, courage, beauty, and above all, hope† (Taylor, KYAPBG 1). The central focus of Bacas poetry is said to bring compassion from the heart and embracing humanity in times of extreme dislocation. Bacas poem – â€Å"Who Understands Me But Me† contains many elements of perseverance, determination, and realization which are evident in most of his poetry. The poem starts off with the speaker receiving new restrictions, but the speaker finds a way to live with the restrictions. Among the restraints and negativity, the speaker develops a positive attitude. With the new restrictions and experiences in hand, he begins to realize his own identity; the speaker learns to â€Å"[find] parts of [himself] never dreamed of by [him].† The poem ends with the speaker questioning who understands him when he says something is beautiful. Mainly, the poem seems forthright and lifeless, repetitive and simple, but this poem has great meaning behind what is seen on the surface level. Throughout the poem, the readers are able to experience â€Å"the physical and mental barriers† (Baca, DA 2). which occur during prison life. The restrictions in the beginning of the poem are represented using anaphora to add emphasis on the continuous struggles which are faced in prison. â€Å"They take my heart and rip it open, I live without heart† creates an indifferent tone from the speaker. â€Å"I followed these signs like an old tracker and followed the tracks deep in myself† explains that his experiences paved a way for the speaker to â€Å"explore the universal theme of an individuals painful search for identity and meaning† (Baca, DA 2). The tone of the poem shifts from indifferent to uplifting and empowering to show that the experiences learned were positive improvements for the speaker. Since the spea ker has gone through many sufferings, he proves that those sufferings helped him for the future. Everyone evolves within themselves every day, but when the time comes for hardships to be encountered, the experiences may become beneficial for their prospect of life. The feelings of loss, dejection, and the quest for identity experiences from Jimmy Santiago Bacas life in prison are shown throughout his poetry. Baca offers means on how to rebuild a broken life, rather than dwell on the painful past. Ever since then, he has been able to change the lives of many Hispanic and Amerindian peoples, by displaying the true insight from the intimidating prisons that guide the changing views of their lives.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Victor Frankenstein’s Obsession in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay

The most prevalent theme in Mary Shelley’s â€Å"Frankenstein† is that of obsession. Throughout the novel there are constant reminders of the struggles that Victor Frankenstein and his monster have endured. Many of their problems are brought upon by themselves by an obsessive drive for knowledge, secrecy, fear, and ultimately revenge. From the onset of Victor’s youth, his earliest memories are those of â€Å"Curiosity, earnest research to learn the hidden laws of nature, gladness akin to rapture, as they were unfolded to me, are among the earliest sensations I can remember† (ch. 4) This is the first example of obsession that we see in the novel. This drive to learn the ‘hidden’ laws of nature is the original driving force that sets the plot in motion. Without this, Victor would have never embarked on his unholy quest to overcome mortality, thus leading to his creation of his monster. â€Å"Dr. Victor Frankenstein feels uncontrollably compelled to create animation in the lifeless body† (Storment) this obsession with the creation of life alienated him from his loved ones. His impending marriage to Elizabeth was one aspect of his life that he sacrificed. In chapter 22, Elizabeth writes to him â€Å"Tell me, dearest Victor. Answer me, I conjure you by our mutual happiness, with simple truth-- Do you not love another?† Elizabeth’s concern about his faithfulness is based on his neglect of their relationship. He simply did not allow any other aspect of his life to impede his goal. Victor Frankenstein is ultimately successful in his endeavor to create life. This, however, does not stop the underlying theme of obsession. Shelley’s shift from Victor’s never-ending quest for knowledge is replaced with an obsession of secrecy. â€Å"I had worked har... ...his mental strength, taking its toll, leaving him incapacitated for months on end. The final compulsion to destroy his daemon takes him to the end of existence. Exhausted from his relentless pursuit, he dies without ever obtaining the closure that he was searching for. â€Å"Victor Frankenstein’s life was destroyed because of an obsession with the power to create life where none had been before† (Moring) Shelley leaves us pondering the question, when does obsession cross the line into insanity? Works Cited Moring, Patrick. Who is the Monster? California State University, Northridge. n.d.Web. 31 Oct. 2014. Storment, Suzanna. Frankenstein Commentary. Washington State University. n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Page By Page Books. Read Classic Books Online, Free. n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2014.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ethical Conduct in Psychology Essay

Professional ethics is associated with doing what is right, both morally and legally. Although many professions are associated with a code of ethics, it is more relevant in the field of psychology. In psychology, this requires the practitioner to conduct himself or herself in accordance to several laid down moral principles. These principles attempt to promote honesty in teaching and practice of psychological science, and in executing their social responsibilities. The contribution of psychologists to the society is generally based on trust. The public trusts psychologists to use their scientific knowledge and services for the development of individuals and the society. The legal system trusts psychologists to offer specialized subject testimony without undue bias or favor. Client’s trusts psychologists to maintain confidentiality. However; the public trust in psychology to deliver is eroded when psychologists violate confidentiality or practice in areas outside their training and competency, or when they publish false results. When the conduct of a psychologist can be interpreted as a breach of ethics, the matter can be brought to the person’s attention through an informal resolution. When an informal resolution seems inappropriate, the ethical violation may be reported to committees on professional ethics. The role of ethics is more stressed in mental health and psychology, much more than in most other fields. This is mainly because the diagnosis and treatment of mental diseases is different from physical illnesses. The direct influence of the mental health professional or the psychologist in producing a desired treatment outcome independently, is considerably limited and much depends on the patient’s ability to cooperate with the treatment. As mental diseases are understood by the observation of behavioral pattern of Ethical Conduct in Psychology 4 an individual, technological intervention cannot aid these professionals, like that in physical health care, where blood tests and other sophisticated scan systems and analysis conclusively pin point the diseases which are then appropriately followed up for treatment. Specialists in other areas of medicine have benefited from the development in biological sciences, where disease progress mechanisms have been more detailed and specific. Mental health professionals including psychologists do not presently benefit from laboratory testing to confirm the presence or absence of psychopathology. This is mainly because, the underlying processes associated with mental disorders in still unknown. Mental health professionals cannot benefit by prescribing tests for genetic defects or brain lesions, for evaluating a mental disorder. Clinical psychologists depend on the observations of an individual’s behavior, personal experience and history to make diagnosis and treatment decisions. This intrusion into the life of a client, gives the psychologist immense data on the individual, which is intended to be used to improve the life of the client. Thus the methods used to seek data, the interpretation of the data, the susceptibility of the client as a result of revealing, the validity of the interpretation and conclusions reached, are all of immense importance to the client. The misuse or abuse of the client data can have serious consequences. Therefore, the treatment by psychologists is associated with safeguarding the information of the client, while using it beneficially for the client. There are situations when this confidentiality should be breached too. There are several ways in which the psychologists can interpret and use this data. The psychology practice thus throws up several situations for pondering; to think and decide, to separate the right from wrong. Thus psychology is involved with dilemmas and ethics. Ethical Conduct in Psychology 5 To ensure that psychologists stand up to the responsibilities and expectations associated with them, the American Psychologists Association (APA) has formulated its own ethics; the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. This APA Ethics Code provides guidelines to both, general ethical conduct and specific situational conduct. The code helps psychologists to face ethical problems and dilemmas. However, in the course of the practice of psychology, psychologists often come across complex ethical situations, for which reliance to APA ethics code alone, do not show the right way. Sometimes an ethical dilemma can have several solutions compatible with all ethics; however the most appropriate solution is selected by critical thinking. Sometimes by following one particular standard, psychologists may breach another standard. When making decisions associated with their profession, psychologists must consider all applicable laws and regulations of the psychology board, in addition to the Ethics Code. Psychologists can also look to guidelines that have been endorsed by other scientific or psychological communities, apart from their own conscience. When the ethical conduct is in confrontation with the law or regulations, then the psychologists must show their commitment to the laws, while taking steps to resolve the conflict, responsibly. Fischer suggested an eight-step model for decision making, based on critical thinking; which meets ethical standards for testing and assessments (Fischer, 2003).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book Keeping Essay

Book keeping it also referred as the keeping of book. Book keeping is the process of keeping full, accurate, up-to-date business records. Proper methods can help businesses effectively manage cash flow, stay abreast of profit and losses, and develop plans for the future based on financial trends. Furthermore, keeping accurate book is required by both federal and local tax agencies. The book keeping process involves making a record of the monies received by a business as well as the monies paid out. It encompasses money a company owes to vendors, employees, tax agencies, contractors, and any other individual or entity. Likewise, accurate records of amounts owed to a company by outside individuals and organizations are also recorded in a company’s books. Though necessary and beneficial to business owners, the task can be very time consuming. With no exceptions, every monetary amount that is paid or received must be recorded. Additionally, accuracy is of the utmost importance, making keeping the books in a rushed manner a very bad idea. As business owners are often lacking in time, many choose to hire professional bookkeepers to keep company records well maintained. Of the many reasons for keeping accurate records, business and income taxes are among the most important. In the United States, for example, the Internal Revenue Service requires business owners to keep financial records that are complete and up-to-date. State and city tax agencies may require businesses to maintain accurate records as well. In fact, a business owner who fails to keep acceptable financial records may be liable for significant monetary fines or other penalties. A company’s books are used to determine the amount of taxes the company must pay, and they are also used in preparing tax returns. Sometimes, a tax agency may decide to investigate the information reported on a return or other type of tax-related document. In such cases, business owners are required to present accurate records for the tax agency’s inspection. Failure to do so could lead to hefty fines, penalties, or in severe cases, imprisonment. Although hiring bookkeeping professionals may be a good idea for many companies, not all business owners can afford to do so. This is particularity true of smaller, home-based, or start-up businesses. Fortunately, there are many computer programs designed to make the task of keeping the books manageable and less time consuming. Many programs handle all of the calculations for the user, taking the worry out of keeping accurate figures. Available even to those on tight budgets, this software makes record keeping easy. (N. Madison, 2013, Wise Geek.)[online] ACCOUNTING CYCLE The accounting cycle is often described as a process that includes the following steps: identifying, collecting and analyzing documents and transactions, recording the transactions in journals, posting the journalized amounts to accounts in the general and subsidiary ledgers, preparing an unadjusted trial balance, perhaps preparing a worksheet, determining and recording adjusting entries, preparing an adjusted trial balance, preparing the financial statements, recording and posting closing entries, preparing a post-closing trial balance, and perhaps recording reversing entries. Cycle and steps seem to be a carryover from the days of manual bookkeeping and accounting when transactions were first written into journals. In a separate step the amounts in the journal were posted to accounts. At the end of each month, the remaining steps had to take place in order to get the monthly, manually-prepared financial statements. Today, most companies use accounting software that processes many of these steps simultaneously. The speed and accuracy of the software reduces the accountant’s need for a worksheet containing the unadjusted trial balance, adjusting entries, and the adjusted trial balance. The accountant can enter the adjusting entries into the software and can obtain the complete financial statements by simply selecting the reports from a menu. After reviewing the financial statements, the accountant can make additional adjustments and almost immediately obtain the revised reports. The software will also prepare, record, and post the closing entries. (Harold,A.2013,Accounting Coach.)[online]. SOURCE DOCUMENTS Source documents are documents, such as cash slips, invoices, etc. that form the source of (and serve as proof for) a transaction. In other words, they are the first documents that exist relating to a transaction. Invoices, cash slips, receipts, check counterfoils, bank deposit slips ,credit notes ,debit notes ,voucher , purchase orders and even internet payment confirmations are all source documents. For example: Invoices Credit Notes Receipts Voucher Purchase orders BOOK OF PRIME ENTRY Book of prime entry is book used in recording transaction. Books of prime entry are also known as books of original entry or subsidiary books. Types of books of prime entry: Books of prime entry are also known as either ‘journals’ or ‘daybooks’. The term ‘day book’ is, perhaps, more commonly used, as it more clearly indicates the nature of these books of prime entry – entries are made to them every day. The commonly used books of prime entry are: Sale Day Book /Sale Journals –Sale journals is to record credit sales. Purchases Day Book/Purchases Journals –Purchases journals is to record credit purchases. Sales Return Day Book/Return In Journals –Return in journals is to record returns from customers. Purchases Return Day Book/Return Out Journals –Return out journals is to record returns to suppliers. General journal/The journal –The journal is to record other transactions. The cashbook is a combined account of the cash account and the bank account. It is the only one of the six daybooks that is both an account and a daybook at the same time. Apart from the cashbook, all the other double-entry accounts are kept in one of the three ledgers. Example for 3 Column Cash Book LEDGER (T-ACCOUNT) The ledger is a collective term for the accounts of a business. (A ledger of accounts is like a school of fish). The accounts are in the shape of a ‘T’ and thus are often referred to as ‘T-accounts’. In this step we take all the debits and credits (journals) relating to one account – let’s say ‘bank’ – and draw up an account for bank that shows all the transactions relating to it. The different types of ledgers most businesses use are: Sale Ledgers –Sale ledgers is to record customers account balance. Purchases Ledgers –Purchases ledgers is to record suppliers account balance. General Ledgers –General ledgers is to record miscellaneous account. Example: PETTY CASH BOOK The petty cash book is used to record the changes to the petty cash fund – both money put into the fund and money taken out. The fund is commenced with a petty cash advance cheque and topped up with a reimbursement cheque at the end of each petty cash period.The petty cash book is prepared from the petty cash vouchers, as well as the details from the advance and reimbursement cheque butts. The petty cash book is prepared from: –advance (and/or reimbursement) cheque butt/s –completed and authorised petty cash vouchers. The totals can be checked by cross-adding related column totals.The total of the vouchers (Cash Payments column total) added to the balance left in the petty cash fund (Balance column) should always equal the imprest amount. TRIAL BALANCE A sheet displaying all the accounts of a business, drawn up as a trial (test) of whether the total of all the debit balances equal the total of all the credit balances (A balance is the amount of an item at a point in time. For example, The balance in the bank account on the 1st of January was $5,000.). The trial balance is prepared as a final check just before the financial statements are drawn up. The trial balance is our penultimate step in the accounting cycle. Example for Trial Balance: FINAL ACCOUNT Final accounts are all of the financial statement for a business or company at the end of the fiscal or calendar year, on whichever the business calendar the company operates. The statements for the final accounts show the gross profit and net income of the company. A number of accounts are included, such as the profit and loss statement for the business, the balance sheet, and the trading account. The profit and loss statement tracks all of the income that comes into the company, as well as the expenses that the company pays out. The profit and loss statement covers a specific period — typically the fiscal year, but it can also cover the calendar year. It shows how revenue becomes net income, and whether or not the company made money for the year. While the company tracks these figures throughout the year, the final accounts include the statement for the cumulative fiscal or calendar year. The balance sheet is another one of the business financial statements that are prepared as part of the final accounts process when the year closes out. The balance sheet provides a quick look at how the company is doing at that specific moment in time, at the end of the year. In addition to assets and liabilities, a balance sheet also includes information on shareholder equity. Trading accounts cover profits and losses incurred from trading securities. Many companies invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other types of investment funds. The final accounts for the trading account show the amount of gain or loss from these investments at the end of the year that the company runs on. Final accounts and the statements that make up these accounts typically help companies to prepare their various tax returns. If the company accountant prepares the tax statements, then the accountant prepares these statements for his or her own use. If the company hires an outside accountant or accounting firm, then the statements for the final accounts are handed over to the third party, so they have the information they need to prepare the company’s tax returns and any of tax paperwork that is required. (Kristie,L and Wilborn,C.2013,Wise Geek)[online] INCOME STATEMENT A financial statement that measures a company’s financial performance over a specific accounting period. Financial performance is assessed by giving a summary of how the business incurs its revenues and expenses through both operating and non-operating activities. It also shows the net profit or loss incurred over a specific accounting period, typically over a fiscal quarter or year. Also known as the â€Å"profit and loss statement† or â€Å"statement of revenue and expense.† Example for Income Statements: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION A statement of financial position, also known as a balance sheet, is a financial document that provides an overview of an entity’s finances at a given point in time. These statements are commonly used by companies large and small, but they can also be applied to personal finances, for people who want to generate a document that they can use to review their financial situation for the purpose of making budgeting decisions or financial plans. Many accounting software programs have mechanisms to automatically create one. There are two main areas on a statement of financial position. One covers the assets, everything owned by the person or company, including real estate, cash in hand, contents of bank accounts, and so forth. The other side includes the liabilities, funds owed. A statement usually breaks these sections up into several categories for ease of reference, so that people can quickly look up a topic of particular interest, such as accounts payable or overdue loans. The liabilities also include the ownership equity or the shareholder equity in the business. The assets should equal the liabilities once the ownership or shareholder equity has been factored in, and if they do not, it is a sign that the financial statement is out of balance. This is in accordance with the accounting equation, which states that assets = liabilities + ownership or shareholder equity. Incidentally, this explains the term â€Å"balance sheet,† which reflects the idea that the two sections of the sheet should be equal or balanced. Commonly, a statement of financial position will be generated at the end of every month. Looking up past months can provide information about how a company’s finances are progressing, and these documents can also be compared with statements from the same month in prior years. Using this document, decisions can be made about the next steps to take. If, for example, a company has a lot of assets, it may be a sign that it can comfortably expand because it has the available capital to do so. Companies that are publicly traded must provide public disclosures about their financial health, including statements of financial position. These are provided to shareholders by request and are also commonly published to make them readily accessible to prospective investors. If a company has a website, they might be found on a section of the website that includes documents that the company is required to disclose by law. (Smitch,S. and Wallace,O.2013,Wise Geek)[online] Example for Statement of Financial Position: CONCLUSION Book keeping is important to proper accounting records because proper methods can help businesses effectively manage cash flow, stay abreast of profit and losses, and develop plans for the future based on financial trends. Furthermore to complete the financial account, accounting cycle are used. The accounting cycle included source of document, books of prime entry, ledgers, trial balance and the final accounts. REFERENCE 1. Anon.2013,Book of Prime Entry and Ledgers.[online].Available from World Wide Web: [Accessed 05/07/2013] 2. Anon.2013,The Accounting Cycle.[online].Available from World Wide Web: [Accessed 05/07/2013] 3. Anon.2013,Income Statement.[online].Available from World Wide Web: [Accessed 05/07/2013] 4. Beanne,O.2013,The Complete Accounting Cycle.[online].Available from World Wide Web: [Accessed 25/01/2013]

Fate in two short stories by Thomas Hardy Essays

Fate in two short stories by Thomas Hardy Essays Fate in two short stories by Thomas Hardy Paper Fate in two short stories by Thomas Hardy Paper My task is to choose three different characters from The Withered Arm and The Melancholy Hussar, both written by Thomas Hardy. I then have to answer the question Is life fair? Fate in two short stories by Thomas Hardy. To answer this question I will take each character, say how they have ended up and I will say whether the way they have behaved in the story merits this ending. The three characters I have chosen from each story are : The Withered Arm * Farmer Lodge * Gertrude * Rhoda The Melancholy Hussar * Phyllis * Matthi? us Tina * Humphrey Gould.Characters from The Withered Arm In The Withered Arm fate seems to have treated Farmer Lodge well The driver was a yeoman which means that he is a man of property/substance and is doing well in life. Farmer Lodge dies of a painless decline, even though throughout the story you are made to believe that he isnt a very nice man. He ignores his own son The farmer, though he seemed annoyed at the boys persistent presence Farmer Lodge pretends he doesnt even know who the boy is One of the neighbourhood. I think he lives with his mother a mile or two off. Farmer Lodge also doesnt seem to care much for Rhoda either even though she is the mother of his child. He lets Rhoda carry on being a milkmaid and caring for their son, without caring. However, Farmer Lodge does care for his wife Gertrude as he advises her to go and see a doctor about her arm. This might not be out of caring though, as you find out later on in the book. He probably told Gertrude to go and see a doctor, so that her arm was better and so he didnt have to see it any more. : You get the impression that Farmer Lodge married Gertrude because she was young and beautiful and that she married Farmer Lodge because he was wealthy.However, this is mainly what Gertrude thinks and she only seems to want her arm cured so that she is beautiful again. Farmer Lodge wants Gertrude to be happy and does show signs of caring for Gertrude I only meant it for your good, you know, Gertrude. Gertrude thinks that Farmer Lodge dislikes his wifes disfigurement, which makes her believe that he loves her less. After Gertrudes arm becomes withered their marriage falls to pieces. Gertrude becomes obsessed with her disfigurement and no longer talks to Farmer Lodge.She thinks that he loves her less because of the way she looks, but their marriage probably falls to pieces and they grow further and further apart because there is a lack of communication between them. Farmer Lodge doesnt seem like a very nice man throughout this story, but at the end you change your mind. Burdened at first with moodiness and remorse he eventually changed for the better, and appeared as a chastened and thoughtful man. All through the story Hardy makes you believe Farmer Lodge isnt a very nice man, but then he changes and sells his farms.He then gives all his money towards a reformatory for boys, and also gives a small annuity to Rhoda. This shows that after all, even if it didnt seem like it, he did care and he deserved a painless death. Life treated him well, and towards the end he eventually changed and corrected his mistakes. Gertrude, however did not deserve to die the way she did. She never reached home alive and died three days after the accident. Gertrude never did anything to harm anyone, in fact she did quite the opposite. She gives away things to other folks in the meads beside us. All Gertrude did was to try and help people that were less fortunate than herself. Gertrude never did anything to Rhoda either, she didnt know that Rhoda and Farmer Lodge had a child together, and that he ignored both of them. Gertrude isnt to blame for the disfigurement of her arm, but still she and Farmer Lodge fall out of love Six years of marriage, and only a few months of love, The only reason that Gertrude was at the conviction of Rhodas son was so that she could make her arm better. She didnt know that it was Rhodas son at the time only when Rhoda turned up behind her.She did however wish for someone to die. Gertrude wellnigh longed for the death of a fellow creature. She even prayed for someone to die so that her arm could be cured. She knew that when someone was going to be executed she could try and cure her arm but she should have thought that it might have been someone she knew. She didnt however go to the execution out of an act of spite; it was pure coincidence (a bad one at that! ) that it was Rhodas son who got executed. I do not think that Gertrude deserved to die this way. Life did not treat her fair, and then she had a painful death.She never harmed anyone she donated clothes to people, and always tried to please her husband. She died in pain, and knowing that her husband loved her less because of her arm, which she didnt deserve at all. Fate does not treat Rhoda well in this story either. She is the only character that lives though Her monotonous milking at the dairy was resumed. In the very first page we know she has been treated unfairly a thin, fading woman no one takes notice of her, and its as if shes not even there. Farmer Lodge treats Rhoda unfairly too.They had a child together, then he left her and pretends that he doesnt even know Rhoda or her son. All he has ever done for Rhoda, is let her carry on being a milkmaid and has forgotten her. Rhoda is jealous that Farmer Lodge and Gertrude are married, and are in love, which makes Rhoda even lonelier. Rhoda lives her life thinking that Gertrude is something bad, and when she finds Gertrude at her sons conviction she is very angry, and thinks that Gertrude is trying to come between her and her son Hussy to come between us and our child now! It is no surprise that Rhoda is angry, as her son had just died. Nothing seems to go right for Rhoda throughout the whole story she is left with a child to cope on her own, and is ignored by the father. Then she has the awful dream about Gertrude, and her son is then convicted. I do not think Rhoda deserved to die at all, and it is a good thing that she lived and carried on milking at the dairy. If anyone deserved to carry on living it was Rhoda, because maybe after Farmer Lodge and Gertrude had gone she would no longer be jealous and shed be able to get on with her life.Characters from The Melancholy Hussar Phyllis died at the age of 75, probably of old age as it does not say she died in any other way. Phyllis lived a happy life most of the time, except when life treated her unfairly. She was engaged to Humphrey Gould, who didnt treat her well and never came back on the dates that he promised. This neglect of her was awkward, if not painful Phyllis then fell in love with Matthi? us, because she never really loved Humphrey. She could have gone to live with Matthi? us, but she thought staying home was the right thing to do.She had by now realised that even though she loved Matthi? us, it was so wild as it was, so vague, so venturesome. Fate did not treat her fairly, as Humphrey then told her that he had already married someone else. This proves that the right things are not always the best things to do. Phyllis could have gone with Matthi? us after all. I think that it is unfair that Phyllis chose the wrong thing to do, but she still had happy memories with Matthi? us, even though she saw him shot. She died at 75 years old, and deserved to go on living to an old age.Phyllis may not have lived a completely happy life, and life may not have treated her fairly but she knew that Matthi? us loved her, and thats all she needed to know. I care more for a minute of your company than for all the promotion in the world Matthi? us cared a lot for Phyllis, he called her his beloved and couldnt wait until the next time he saw her every time, which shoes that he did love Phyllis and she knew. Fate does not treat Matthi? us Tina well in this story either. He was shot for desertion. I dont think that he deserved this at all.He fell in love with Phyllis, then wanted to move away with her, and when she decided not to, he respected her wishes. I do not think it is fair that Matthi? us was killed, he never did anything wrong. Like Phyllis, he chose what he thought was the right thing to do because he didnt want to let his friend down by not turning up and it turned out to be the wrong thing to do, because they were both killed. Humphrey Gould, from what we understand does not die, and goes back to live with his wife he married instead of Phyllis.If life was fair, Humphrey Gould would have died, and Matthi? us would have lived but then life is indeed not fair! During the story, Humphrey treated Phyllis badly, by marrying someone else when they were supposedly engaged. Then when he came back to tell her, he had the cheek to ask Phyllis to cover up for him by telling his father that she never could have married him. Humphrey never did anything for anyone for himself, and when he got himself into a mess he tried to get other people to cover up for him.If anyone deserved to die it would have been Humphrey. Conclusion I have found out that in Hardys stories life was not fair. Gertrude (The withered arm) did not deserve to die the way she did at all, she was innocent. Although Farmer Lodge, was not a very nice man throughout the story the very last page made you realise he wasnt that bad and he deserved a painless decline. Rhoda did not have a very good life, but she carried on to live her life probably improved after Farmer Lodge had moved away. In The Melancholy Hussar Phyllis and Matthi?us should have been able to live together, and Humphrey Gould should have died! However this would have been too perfect. Life was not fair for Phyllis or Matthi? us. Matthi? us was killed, but Phyllis went on living until she was old -which she deserved. Humphrey Gould did not deserve to carry on living a happy life, because he treated Phyllis unfairly. I have also noticed a similarity between both stories. Farmer Lodge did not treat Rhoda well and Humphrey Gould didnt treat Phyllis well both women wanted to be loved and lost that person in the end.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How does Shakespeare present the character of Shylock in the play Essays

How does Shakespeare present the character of Shylock in the play Essays How does Shakespeare present the character of Shylock in the play Paper How does Shakespeare present the character of Shylock in the play Paper Essay Topic: Play Shylock is introduced as a wealthy, Jewish man who lends money and charges interest. He seems to know Antonio, a local merchant in Venice, as when Antonio goes to him for money he says how Antonio has previously spat on him. We do not know whether Shakespeare meant this to be literate or metaphorical but we do know that many Christians hated Shylock as in Elizabethan times usurers were looked down at as usury was against Christian practise and Shylock was a Jew. Shylock takes a key part in the bond plot, a plot that involved the lending of some Ducats to Antonio so long as if he need to forfeit he must give willingly a 1lb of his flesh. Antonio agrees as the way Shylock said it to him made it sound like it was a joke, and he was certain that his ships would be arriving soon with more than enough to pay off the debt. Further on in the play, we are introduced to Jessica, Shylocks daughter. Jessica is not very fond of her father and we see this in action when she runs away with a young Christian and is converted. She also steals a number of precious jewels and Ducats from her father. This sends Shylock into a rage and he is pleasantly surprised to find out that Antonios ships have failed him and so Antonio must forfeit the bond. Shylock seems more irate that his ducats are lost then his daughter. This is his chance for revenge against Antonio and taking out his anger about his daughter. He even says: I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear this shows him in his evil state and that he would rather see his daughter dead if it meant getting his jewels back. He goes to the courtroom fully prepared to exit with a pound of his enemies flesh. However, the fact that shylock keeps making a point of showing importance against sticking to the exact words of the bond go against him. When the Judge (Portia in disguise) reminds him that he didnt ask for blood and so if any blood spills when he takes the flesh then he will have all his possessions taken from him, as he will have broken the bond and law. When Shylock decides he would rather take the money that Bassanio has agreed to pay, Portia refuses him it, as he must take the bond and also reminds him that if he takes too little flesh or too much then he will be breaking the law. Shylock is trapped, there is no humane way that he can take the forfeit and so he pleads with the judge to forgive him and spare him of his life. The judge rules that Shylock must give half his goods the state of Venice and the other half to Antonio. Antonio says that on Shylocks death, half the money will go to his daughter and her Christian husband, he also demands that Shylock become a Christian. The way people view the character of Shylock has changed through the centuries, in the seventeenth century he was seen as a savage villain who is contrasted with the other characters comical and romantic styles. However in the nineteenth century, people focused on the sufferings of Shylock and why he behaves like he does. The reason for the change in opinion could be explained by the way anti-Semitism is seen. When the play was written, it was common to hear anti-Semitic views by the Christians, they often made jokes at those less fortunate and some could say that Shylocks purpose was for some to laugh at a Jewish persons expense. For example in act 3 scene 1 Salarino and Solanio talk about Shylocks misfortunes rather sarcastically. One opinion about the way that Shakespeare presents Shylock in the play is that he is shows him to be a Jewish man who is misunderstood, mistreated and unfairly accused. Shylock can be played as an attractive, sympathetic figure. The ending of the play helps this view very strongly as everything is taken from including his possessions and even his religion. It seems at the end that Shylock has nothing left to live for, even his daughter has played traitor to him and run off with the Christians. I hate him for he is a Christian He lends out money gratis and brings down the rate of here with us in Venice Shylock despises Antonio because of his religion and because his money lending affects Shylocks living standards and how much money he earns. It makes us feel compassion towards Shylock as opposed to Antonio in the first half of the play as by Antonio lending money for nothing it is preventing Shylock from earning more. His speech If you prick us (Act 3, Scene 1) makes us view him with more sympathy than before. He is asking for understanding and Shakespeare may have done this so that the audience could understand his anger at the way he is treated by the Christians and explains why he feels revenge is rightfully his. Yet if any sympathy was gained in this speech it was changed after he uses it to justify his constant refusal for mercy and plain revenge. Towards the end of the trial scene, Shylock is shown in a dark light as well as where we begin to feel sympathetic again. The fact that he has come fully prepared with his own knife and scales shows us the determination that he gets what he came for and it shows that he could be very disturbed to have planned it already. He constantly rejects the pleas for mercy, which could say that Shakespeare wanted to gain trust of the Elizabethans who had anti-Semitism views, if they thought Shakespeare was trying to show pity to the Jew and make him look friendly then no one would see his show as people would think he was trying to make the Elizabethans like Jewish people. So to appeal to everyone you could say he was trying to take no sides showing each character with good and bad qualities, Shakespeare was not anti-Semitic. You could say that Shylock was presented as a villain but for comical purposes. I have already mentioned how the Elizabethans saw Jews to be evil and that when they see him suffering this may have shown some crude and grotesque humour. The way Shylock is mocked in the finial scene is seen to be fairly humorous for Elizabethan standards. In the film version we watched early on in the year Al Pacino played Shylock. The way he played the part, in my opinion, made the audience sympathise with him more as his facial expressions showed that he felt just for all the wrong things he did. In the film, it showed the courtroom scene to be played in a sympathetic way. Al Pacino shows great empathy with his character when Shylock has to decide whether to take the flesh even though he will be punished. Shylocks eventual outcome is rather malicious and the way they treat him considering they should be happy that their friend is not going to be killed is rather heartless. They probably think that their actions are justified as Shylock did intend to kill Antonio, yet if they knew how much it hurts to suffer they would have let him go with no further punishment. Also if they cared about their religion so much they would understand how it would feel if they were made to change their religion.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The distribution of Gun making and how companies launch gun safety Essay

The distribution of Gun making and how companies launch gun safety programs - Essay Example However there has been a launch on the gun safety programs that have instigated various distribution strategies.The action program has a very effective current distribution strategy. The strategy ensures that the program will work so as to bring very significant changes in the way in which the gun industry makes its distribution of the firearms. The strategy aims at limiting the ease with which the juveniles and the criminals can obtain the guns since this is a very critical issue globally.On the other hand the strategy regulates the gun manufacturers who distribute guns through systems that are known to divert a large numbers of the guns to the illegal secondary markets. Similarly the strategy focuses on reducing the steady supply of the weapons to the criminals and the juveniles and also the circumventing of the federal and state laws that have been designed to prevent the acquisition of the guns by such individuals. The action program has the following strategies in gun distributi on ... Legislative strategies- this strategies are laid down so as to ensure that there is prevention of child access to the guns, there is restriction of the guns possession on the juveniles, there is Limitation of concealed weapons, there are requirements for the background checks on the guns and also waiting periods, there is licensing on gun owners and there are limits in purchases of the private gun. Community based prevention strategies- these strategies provides alternatives for the youths through programs such as community policing through which the distribution of the illegal firearms is directly monitored by the members of the community. This could however limit the distribution of the firearms thus providing safety to the communities. The effectiveness of the current distribution channels The current gun distribution channels make the guns available to the criminals and also the juveniles through a number of ways such as the straw purchases whereby an individual who is prohibited by the law from buying a gun has another person who completes the paperwork that is required on his behalf. (Jeff 2004) The current gun distribution channels are however very effective and they in Jeff, C. (2004): include; The corrupt dealers The straw purchases. The large volume sales The gun shows The incomplete background checks The inadequate security The unsafe designs The whistle blower revelations This reveals that there are counter marketing strategies which have been instigated so as to discourage the demand of the guns from the unwanted customers as well as discourage the sales of the guns from also the unwanted customers. The channels that are currently being used have a frame work that do not safeguard the fire arms manufacturers and the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Man Killed in Sydney Shooting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Man Killed in Sydney Shooting - Essay Example Local people are strictly prohibited to get into the area until the investigation process is in progress and police advice the people for not to come across the street and try to avoid it. However, even after several primary investigation process police is still unable to identify any criminals or suspects. As the shootout was held in the evening the police have decided to close the road from late evening. Even though the investigation is taking place still the criminals are still free and no one is yet arrested by the police. The case is in progress and the murderer is still undetected. Moreover, the increasing number of crime in Australia is affecting its social and political stability to a large extent. Thus, the local people are getting affected by the increasing criminal activities in Australia (The Australian, 2014). The Social Structure Theory mainly implies the relationship between various attributes of the society. The social structure theory is mainly based on the three modules those are a strain, cultural deviance theory, and social disorganization theory. The objective of these components of the theory is to provide support for understanding individual behavior towards the criminal behavior. In this context, the cultural deviance fits appropriately for the case. The cultural deviance theory is a combination of the social disorganization and strain theory. The criminal activities taking place within the society, which is mainly witnessed amid the lower grade people with a poor mentality. From the above case, it is found that the crime has taken place in a roadside area. Police, however, suspects that there might be some involvement of the mafia gang who are experts in this kind of activity as referred to in the case. The cultural deviance theory signifies that the upbringing or the family cu lture of a person can lead them towards the crime.  

The History of eBAGS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The History of eBAGS - Essay Example These stages of the new venture toward expansion would be vital in ensuring success. The logical first steps should involve a study of the purchasing attitudes of the consumers. Since the company is an internet-based retail company, it would only be sensible to research on whether or not internet shopping is a prevalent practice and to what extent, if not, then what measures would entice them to practice it. Furthermore, an analysis of the brands that have the strongest customer loyalty should be a main concern for the team. These brands, if not yet in the inventory of eBAGS’ numerous brand offerings, must be made suppliers ideally. This will make it easier for consumers to identify and trust the company. The history of eBAGS has made it a force to be reckoned with. Its first-year record was an â€Å"average monthly sales growth of 98% had broadened their product offering from six to fifty-six brands† (Schroeder, Goldstein & Rungtusanatham 2011, p.507). currently, it is in dire need of new ventures to safeguard continued growth and adopting a new business model has become imperative. Their entry to the European market would be a promising new move that could yield positive results and increased profit.

Determination of Exchange Rate Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Determination of Exchange Rate - Coursework Example The initial period was 1870 to 1914 where most countries adopted the gold standard where gold was used as domestic money. The above gold standard was a uniform exchange rate regime, though some countries constantly used silver while other countries gold inconvertible currencies (Ehrmann and Fratscher, 2004, p. 105). The start of the First World War interrupted this exchange rate era thereby bringing in the second phase that was 1914-1946. Under this second period, there were many changes as many countries saw great variations of currencies used among countries and the over time. Exchange controls were initiated with most countries utilizing the floating exchange rates (Escobar, 2012). It was noted that in the late 1920s, the efforts to restore the gold standards as were before the war began aborted (Deaton and Duprietz, 2011, p. 152). The exchange rate policy was dominated by the Breton Woods agreement that was signed in 1944 between 1946 and 1973. Through this pact, countries agreed to commit themselves to convertible currencies that could be converted to the current account and the fixed exchange rate (Chinn and Hiro, 2005, p. 301). The pact enhanced eschew of exchange controls and fixing the exchange rates due to the negative lessons that were experienced after the world war (Bagella, et al. 2006, p. 1152). Despite the increased application and use of the Breton Woods pact, Kenen (2000, p. 111) posits that the arrangement was strained since the 1960s and in 1973, fixation of exchange rates was officially abandoned by most countries in Europe and Japan thereby ushering in the next period of exchange rates that has been in application since 1973 to date where countries use floating exchange rates (Chinn & Hiro, 2005, p. 303). 2.2 Types of Exchange Rates 2.2.1 The Nominal Exchange Rate Regime The nominal exchange rate is the exchange rate of a given currency whose value is not averagely weighted in relation to the major currencies across the globe (Cooper, n.d. : 21). The weights of the currency are determined by the domestic country that places its currency in a given pool of global currencies that are measured by the balance of trade between these countries. The nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) is the relative value of a domestic currency as compared to major global currencies such as the U.S. Dollars, the UK Pound and the Japanese Yen among others. A high NEER implies that the domestic currency has a more value than the foreign currency while a lower NEER implies that the domestic currency has a less value as compared to the foreign currency. As noted by Eichengreen and Leblang (2003, p. 804), the nominal exchange rate refers to the exchange rate of a given currency in relation to the given foreign currency. 2.3 Real Exchange Rates Galindo (2006, p. 64) note that the real exchange rate can be distinguished from the nominal exchange rates since real exchange rates refers to the cost of foreign good relative to the cost of domestic products. It provides the required competitiveness in the market and it is necessary in explaining the behavior of trade and national income in a competitive global economy. The real exchange rate is usually volatile and it keeps varying based on various business environment factors (Ickes, 2004, p. 16). The big fluctuations in the real exchange rates could lead to improved welfare to an economy, though this is not

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Terrorist Techniques - Ideology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Terrorist Techniques - Ideology - Assignment Example The new and prospective recruits will have to undergo a number of tests during the recruitment process in order to a certain their conviction to join our group. Since the recruitment process normally takes one to two weeks, we will engage ourselves in robust recruitment process before we make plans on any attack. The new recruit must be ready to conduct suicide bombings and massacres, as these are one of the ways through which we spread our ideology (Hoffman, 2006). Since our diehard members will be conducting the recruitment process, they will inform all the recruits of what lies ahead, especially using Tamil nationalism, Socialism, Separatism, Left-wing nationalism as the primary ideologies of recruitment. All the recruits must understand that we are a legitimate and genuine group out to fight for our rights and the rights of the greater Tamil people. With this in mind, the recruits will register in our offices that are distributed all over the Eastern and Northern Provinces of Sri Lanka (Gill, Sahni, & Institute for Conflict Management, 2002).   We plan to spread secessionist propaganda to Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, India, and Malaysia in order to receive funding and military equipment. Presently, we have heavy military artillery that we recently acquired from our affiliates in Malaysia. In addition, we are currently actively involved in mass recruitment in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka where we have absolute control (Narayan, 2010). Since we run our own media, police, judiciary, and other amenities in such areas, we have achieved significant success as far as the spread of our propaganda is concerned. Besides, we have also used fear to intimidate suspicious or stubborn recruits. Since we murder those who refuse to join our group, our recruitment department had had the busiest season. Besides, LTTE is the most deadly and most respected fighter group not only in Asia, but

Andrea and Overfield, The Human Record, Sources of Global History Vol Essay

Andrea and Overfield, The Human Record, Sources of Global History Vol. II (Cengage) hereafter AO - Essay Example In the year 1789, the assembly passed the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen. This declaration was a result of the direct consequences of what was taking place in France during this period. This declaration was important during that time since it help in annulling the right of the nobles to demand tithes, taxes and labor from peasants who were working on their family land. This was a great step in the liberation of man and the fight for human rights. This declaration was partly inspired the revolution that was taking place in America at that time (Andrea and Overfield 254). Unlike the declaration in America that â€Å"all men are equal†, the declaration made in France stated, â€Å"Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. The distinction in society may be founded only upon the general good†. This declaration left room for racial prejudice to take place. It stated that despite man being free there will always be a social difference. During this time, the blacks were mistreated for social purposes and were not fully given their rights in the society. Even though they were facing mistreatment from the general French public, the black French population had the right to resist the oppressions as this was provided by the declaration. The period of revolution and declaration of the right of man was volatile/ most of the churches were closed and priests were being hunted down. Politics at this time had taken a different twist and idea of persecution of the Catholics as well as the Protestants began. Several churches were closed, and others converted to temples for fear of persecution. The church was not safe no more. In respect to human rights and dignity, there was the abolishment of the water wheel and introduction of the guillotine. It is no coincidence that the universal declarations of the rights of humans, the European Convention for the human rights protection and the first treaty of the communities in Europe have their origins

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Determination of Exchange Rate Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Determination of Exchange Rate - Coursework Example The initial period was 1870 to 1914 where most countries adopted the gold standard where gold was used as domestic money. The above gold standard was a uniform exchange rate regime, though some countries constantly used silver while other countries gold inconvertible currencies (Ehrmann and Fratscher, 2004, p. 105). The start of the First World War interrupted this exchange rate era thereby bringing in the second phase that was 1914-1946. Under this second period, there were many changes as many countries saw great variations of currencies used among countries and the over time. Exchange controls were initiated with most countries utilizing the floating exchange rates (Escobar, 2012). It was noted that in the late 1920s, the efforts to restore the gold standards as were before the war began aborted (Deaton and Duprietz, 2011, p. 152). The exchange rate policy was dominated by the Breton Woods agreement that was signed in 1944 between 1946 and 1973. Through this pact, countries agreed to commit themselves to convertible currencies that could be converted to the current account and the fixed exchange rate (Chinn and Hiro, 2005, p. 301). The pact enhanced eschew of exchange controls and fixing the exchange rates due to the negative lessons that were experienced after the world war (Bagella, et al. 2006, p. 1152). Despite the increased application and use of the Breton Woods pact, Kenen (2000, p. 111) posits that the arrangement was strained since the 1960s and in 1973, fixation of exchange rates was officially abandoned by most countries in Europe and Japan thereby ushering in the next period of exchange rates that has been in application since 1973 to date where countries use floating exchange rates (Chinn & Hiro, 2005, p. 303). 2.2 Types of Exchange Rates 2.2.1 The Nominal Exchange Rate Regime The nominal exchange rate is the exchange rate of a given currency whose value is not averagely weighted in relation to the major currencies across the globe (Cooper, n.d. : 21). The weights of the currency are determined by the domestic country that places its currency in a given pool of global currencies that are measured by the balance of trade between these countries. The nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) is the relative value of a domestic currency as compared to major global currencies such as the U.S. Dollars, the UK Pound and the Japanese Yen among others. A high NEER implies that the domestic currency has a more value than the foreign currency while a lower NEER implies that the domestic currency has a less value as compared to the foreign currency. As noted by Eichengreen and Leblang (2003, p. 804), the nominal exchange rate refers to the exchange rate of a given currency in relation to the given foreign currency. 2.3 Real Exchange Rates Galindo (2006, p. 64) note that the real exchange rate can be distinguished from the nominal exchange rates since real exchange rates refers to the cost of foreign good relative to the cost of domestic products. It provides the required competitiveness in the market and it is necessary in explaining the behavior of trade and national income in a competitive global economy. The real exchange rate is usually volatile and it keeps varying based on various business environment factors (Ickes, 2004, p. 16). The big fluctuations in the real exchange rates could lead to improved welfare to an economy, though this is not

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Andrea and Overfield, The Human Record, Sources of Global History Vol Essay

Andrea and Overfield, The Human Record, Sources of Global History Vol. II (Cengage) hereafter AO - Essay Example In the year 1789, the assembly passed the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen. This declaration was a result of the direct consequences of what was taking place in France during this period. This declaration was important during that time since it help in annulling the right of the nobles to demand tithes, taxes and labor from peasants who were working on their family land. This was a great step in the liberation of man and the fight for human rights. This declaration was partly inspired the revolution that was taking place in America at that time (Andrea and Overfield 254). Unlike the declaration in America that â€Å"all men are equal†, the declaration made in France stated, â€Å"Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. The distinction in society may be founded only upon the general good†. This declaration left room for racial prejudice to take place. It stated that despite man being free there will always be a social difference. During this time, the blacks were mistreated for social purposes and were not fully given their rights in the society. Even though they were facing mistreatment from the general French public, the black French population had the right to resist the oppressions as this was provided by the declaration. The period of revolution and declaration of the right of man was volatile/ most of the churches were closed and priests were being hunted down. Politics at this time had taken a different twist and idea of persecution of the Catholics as well as the Protestants began. Several churches were closed, and others converted to temples for fear of persecution. The church was not safe no more. In respect to human rights and dignity, there was the abolishment of the water wheel and introduction of the guillotine. It is no coincidence that the universal declarations of the rights of humans, the European Convention for the human rights protection and the first treaty of the communities in Europe have their origins

Sustainable energy storage and distribution Essay Example for Free

Sustainable energy storage and distribution Essay Sustainable energy storage and distribution Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sustainable energy refers to the provision of viable energy development which responds to the present energy demands without compromising the possibility of future generations to meet their energy demands (Robinson Schut, 2014). Some of the technologies which support sustainable energy comprise of the renewable sources of energy like solar energy, hydroelectricity, wind energy, geothermal energy, wave energy, tidal power, bioenergy and various technologies planned to improve the energy efficiency. In the current world, the cost of energy has decreased drastically and continues to decrease due to the continuous use of renewable energy. Most of the modern technologies utilized for sustainable energy are economically competitive (Moseley Garche, 2014). Notably, effective government policies promote the confidence of the investors in sustainable energy while expanding this market. A considerable progress has been made and continues to be pursued in the transition of energy from different fossil fuels into sustainable ecological systems up to a point where different researches support renewable energy. Solutions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As revealed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), hydrogen generated through electrolysis offers the solution to fluctuating renewable energy sources. The hydrogen generated through renewable electrolysis provides the promising solutions in transportation sectors and electric power (Moseley Garche, 2014). As depicted through the study by NREL, renewable electrolysis utilizes electricity generated from renewables to separate water into oxygen and hydrogen. From this process, the hydrogen produced can be used as a medium of energy storage which can store renewable energy until an engine or full cell transforms it to electricity (Robinson Schut, 2014). Additionally, this hydrogen can be combined again with CO2 to generate synthetic gas used in transportation applications and power plants. Moreover, this hydrogen can be generated within the off-peak seasons or during the periods when there is extra renewable energy. Since the h ydrogen is convertible back to electricity at times when there is insufficient renewable power, this assists in the stabilization in utility grid. The excess hydrogen may be used as fuel to run vehicles and other purposes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secondly, different nations have embraced various ways of storing energy for future use since the traditional way of using batteries seem to be expensive and not sustainable. Many nations are now using the current energy technology to store energy from renewable resources instead of batteries which can be used for future use. Some of these technologies include pumped hydro storage and flywheels (Moseley Garche, 2014). Flywheels are suitable for low and high power applications since they store energy in motion form through a rotating mass which demand frequent cycling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, pumped hydro storage of renewable energy is capable for storing energy in water form elevated at a high position. This is achieved through pumping water when the supply of electricity is high and utilizing gravity in the transportation of water down when there is high demand for electricity with low supply. Pumped-storage facilities are very economical because of the differentials in off-peak prices since it offers important services in ancillary grid. The projects initiated using this type of technology has offered energy storage capability and the transmission ancillary grid advantages in Europe and US. Currently, more than 40 projects in pumped-storage are operating in USA providing more than 20GW in the national grid systems (Robinson Schut, 2014). This pumped-storage hydropower provides the solutions in energy balancing, storage capacity, ancillary grid, and stability like the network frequency reserves and control. This is because the plants used in pumped storage can respond to potential changes in electrical load within a few seconds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another storage medium which provides the solution to alternating renewable energy sources is the use of compressed air energy storage (CAES). This is similar to the pumped hydro storage through output, storage capacity and application although it utilizes the ambient air instead of water. The use of CAES technology has gained popularity more than pumped hydro because it provides storage in large scale without any geographic restrictions. In the CAES technology, the compressed ambient air is driven into underground caverns or storage tanks. When the need for electricity arises, the air compressed and stored in tanks is expanded to drive motors which eventually generate power (Moseley Garche, 2014). The current advancement in CAES technology has improved its efficiency, the fuel used and storage methods. In addition, CAES possess many advantages compared to other different types of energy storage since the ambient air utilized is free and the technologies and material utilized are abundant and well understood.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, batteries have been used for long to store energy from many renewable sources. People using the solar energy can use the lead-acid batteries to store energy for future use. Despite the fact that some of these batteries are not durable, the use of rechargeable batteries offers the solutions for power storage in rural areas (Robinson Schut, 2014). The use of lithium-ion batteries have created a recent attention in renewable energy storage since they take longer before recharging and their weight is much less compared to the traditional lead-acid batteries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some of the current proposed solutions in the storage of energy include the proposed potential gravity power storage which involves the storage of energy without losses (Moseley Garche, 2014). This project has been in progress since 2013 and experts reveal that if finalized, it will respond to the current problems encountered in sustainable energy solutions. Current policies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The current renewable policies supported by the US government include the Production Tax Credit (PTC) and the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). These two policies were primarily enacted by the US federal government to reduce the demand of the power from fossil fuels like petroleum and coal while decreasing the related carbon emissions. Through these policies, the American nation has reduced the carbon emissions significantly since 2007 up to date. The PTC is an incentive offered by the federal government to offer financial support in the development of renewable energy in America (Robinson Schut, 2014). The companies which produce electricity from geothermal, wind and bioenergy qualify for the federal PTC. These companies are eligible for incentive in the production of renewable energy for ten years since the beginning of their operations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Together with the state standards in renewable resources, PTC has supported many development projects in wind power. As disclosed by the Department of Energy in USA, these development supported by PTC has resulted in many economic benefits in the production and distribution of electricity. Between 2007 and 2010, the production of wind power in America tripled with an approximate 550 manufacturing companies distributed in 44 states (Robinson Schut, 2014). Consequently, the cost of producing electricity from renewable sources like wind in US has reduced considerably over the last two years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, different nations and states have adopted various policies supporting greater investment and other adoption in renewable technologies in renewable energies. Some of these policies include the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) which needs electric utility providers to offer particular percentage. The RPS is a policy which opens the alternatives to increase the production of energy from the renewable sources like biomass, solar, geothermal and wind. In USA, according to the rules of RPS, some companies must generate certain fraction of power from renewable sources of energy which are acknowledged (Moseley Garche, 2014). When these companies produce electricity from the renewable resources, the federal government requires them to supply to other organizations at a certain fee. Despite the fact that the RPS depends majorly on the private sector to produce energy, the federal government offer some financial support in order to incr ease the private investment in renewable use of energy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another environmental policy which affects the changes in the storage and transmission of the production of sustainable energy is the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). SEPA assists environmental local agencies to identify any environmental impact that may result from the decisions made by government (Hendrickson, 2012). This act was enacted through the Washington Legislature in the year 1971. Since many projects proposed in the production, storage and storage of renewable resources by the private sector must get approval from the relevant authorizes, SEPA intervenes in the adoption of the proposed solutions in energy storage. Notably, SEPA advises the federal government on any environmental issues that may result in any proposed solutions. Moreover, SEPA also advises the local governments on the construction of different projects proposed in the states, particularly the on renewable energies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) enacted in 1970 through the US environmental law offers the procedure or implementation of objectives in the federal agencies. According to the current legislations of NEPA, all the states must provide effective sustainable renewable energy storage facilities that do not affect the future generations. Various states need to regulate the production and regulation of renewable sources of energy (Sukumar, 2014). NEPA assists the private developers in individual states on the objectives formulated to engage in better production of renewable power. NEPA also provides instructions on the impact of different solutions in the production of renewable energy. Since most of the projects in renewable resources are supported by private developers, NEPA offers directions on how to go in different projects. Challenges   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some of the challenges associated with the implementation of the current and previous policies related to the production, storage and transmission of renewable energy include the poor implementation process through poor funding. Many proposals have been formulated to venture in advanced technological production and storage of renewable energy but only a few have been implemented (Hendrickson, 2012). This is because private developers in renewable energy seek funding from the government which takes a lot of time before responding. As depicted through the current report by NEMA, many private developers venturing the renewable energy technologies lack the appropriate muscle to put into practice what they have put into plan (Robinson Schut, 2014). Different nations struggle to attain sustainable energy to meet their demands. However, in these nations, the proposals by different private developers in the associated renewable energies are still pending.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another challenge is the limited awareness and confidence in the use of renewable technologies. As divulged by NEPA, the public require more information on solar technologies. Better programs are needed to educate builders, designers and other potential users of renewable energy in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors (Hendrickson, 2012). Most consumers lack the basic information in the use of renewable energies like solar and wind. Lack of effective programs to protect the manufacturing and installation of renewable energy has hindered effective implementation of RPS. The governments need to educate their citizens on the current available renewable sources of power that they can purchase and use in their homes. In addition, the change in governments from one reign to another affects the transition in the implementation process aimed at increasing the production of renewable power. This is because, each government that comes into power they want to actualize their manifesto in order to lure support in the next elections. Since 1980, the American private sector has been formulating different approaches to solve the demand for electricity (Hendrickson, 2012). However, lack of transition in the leadership of projects in renewable resources has resulted in many pending projects which are useful in the nation. Therefore, poor transition of leadership from one government to the other has resulted in the delay of many projects which are significant in the improvement of renewable energy production and utilization. NEPA claims that the poor funding process in renewable energy projects is as a result of lack of effective transition from one government to the other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, political influences in many nations affect the implementation process in policies related to renewable energy. Since the policies supporting the production, distribution and utilization of renewable energy must be approved and enacted through parliamentary sittings, some political struggle in terms of personal interest affect their enactment (Sukumar, 2014). Despite the fact that some of these policies affecting renewable energy are beneficial to the entire nation, lack of significant support during the enactment process hinder the significant progress in renewable energy projects. For instance, in America, the political swings from republican government to democratic government affect the approval in projects in renewable sources of energy like nuclear. There is a big struggle in passing of policies in the current government due to political struggle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The wide spread utilization of renewable energy in USA has also been hindered by the state and federal policies and other market imperfections which subsidize the competing sources of energy (Hendrickson, 2012). Some these policies which affect the implementation of renewable energy projects include the price controls through federal governments in the oil and gas prices. Through these subsidizes, the renewable sources are unable to compete effectively in the market and attain a competitive advantage over other sources of energy due to the cost of production and distribution required (Moseley Garche, 2014). Despite the fact some of the environmental policies support sustainable energy production, the subsidies provided by the federal governments in other sources shy off private investors in this sector. Alternative methods   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through technology, the production and storage of hydrogen has been made easy using the Nano-technology. Some fuels such as gasoline used in renewable energy production lead to carbon footprint and pollution. Experts reveal that hydrogen is a clean source of renewable power when the two problems of easy accessibility and safe storage are solved. A team of scientists in USA have invented the nano-composities from magnesium which are air stable used in the hydrogen storage. The Nano-composites particles are formed through magnesium metal and mixed with other polymers associated with Plexiglas (Moseley Garche, 2014). Notably, the Nano-composite technology form of hydrogen storage is able to absorb and release hydrogen in any conventional temperature without the metal oxidation taking place. As claimed by the DOE of America, the Nano-technology invented recently, is one of the major steps in the storage advancement of hydrogen since it is abl e to overcome the challenges in kinetic and thermodynamic (Sukumar, 2014).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, the use of technology in different renewable resources has resulted in the invention of better methods in storage and distribution of power. Some of these current technologies include the use of leviathan energy in the wind turbine production, reflective dishes in solar energy, use of cells which are spherical and the utilization of clean energy from algae.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In wind power, new technologies have been developed in the production of energy in areas with low wind and other offshore sections. Experts have developed better designs in blades, mooring systems in ocean and efficient turbines (Hendrickson, 2012). Through these technologies, cheaper wind energy has been produced in different states in America. Most of the American experts reveal that these new technologies will allow better utilization in the existing grid through driving the power grid to minimize transmission impact required to distribute wind power in different cities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the struggle for power in different nations hinders the implementation of different projects in renewable energy, separation of powers would solve the procedures followed in the implementation process (Hendrickson, 2012). Most of the private invented projects in renewable energies are affected by competing political interests in power and therefore, separating the powers involved in the national renewable policies will eventually solve the implementation process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, in order to attract more investment and use of renewable energy, the Energy Commission in America have formulated the solar partnership in new homes which provides incentives to attract people to install solar panels in their new homes. This program encourages new house owners in America to use solar panels due to their efficiency in energy at all times. According to the energy commission in America, the solar partnership in new homes aim at installing more than 400MW of power through solar energy by the end of 2016 (Sukumar, 2014). Through this partnership, people who are building new homes are able to get solar panels at subsided prices which are affordable. Since the solar panels have been built using the current technology, their durability and ability to trap energy from the sun attract more people to buy them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In other nations like German, the formulation of programs with market incentives like the MAP, aims to lure more people to use renewable sources of power. Through the MAP program, people building new houses are encouraged to obtain a specific share in the amount of energy they consume from renewable energy (Moseley Garche, 2014). Alternatively, those people with old buildings are been provided with financial assistance to renovate their buildings in order to use renewable energy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, people with small homes, can apply for large and small solar panels, effective heat pumps and furnaces which are biomass-fired with feed systems which are automatic through the MAP project (Sukumar, 2014). The change in lifestyle from rental houses to personal houses which utilize the modern technologies in the production of renewable energy has also solved the fluctuating power problems in different nations. Many people now prefer to build or buy modern houses through mortgages which have effectively increased the use of renewable energy in homes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, in order to attain sustainable energy in the world, the governments ruling different nations need to understand their roles in supporting of projects in renewable energy. Despite the fact that different private developers have constituted various approaches in tapping and generation of energy, without the financial support required in this project the problem of electricity will continue to increase. Since different government and other non-government policies affect the production and distribution of renewable energy, all the government must evaluate the viability of the projects presented by the private developers in renewable energy. As depicted from this essay, it is evident that through government incentives in the production and purchase of better equipment, there is a recommendable increase in the use of renewable power. References Hendrickson, C. (2012). Sustainable Energy Challenges for Civil Engineering Management. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 28(1), 2-4. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.00000 Moseley, P. T., Garche, J. (2014). Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewable Sources and Grid Balancing. Burlington: Elsevier Science. Robinson, M., Schut, D. (2014). RAIL AS THE SUSTAINABLE BACKBONE OF THE ENERGY EFFICIENT TRANSPORT CHAIN A WORLD VIEW. OIDA International Journal Of Sustainable Development, 7(4), 19-30. Sukumar, S. (2014). LAW AS A MEDIUM OF CHANGE, TO ACHIEVE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT USE OF CLEAN ENERGY. OIDA International Journal Of Sustainable Development, 7(3), 45-54. Source document

Monday, October 14, 2019

Well known organization

Well known organization Introduction HSBC is well known Organization in banking sector. It is a largest banking and financial organization in the world. HSBC is an international company which has around 8500 offices in 86 countries and territories. It is an international bank, which is spread all over the world. It has a lot of branch in the London. HSBC has recently full grown through a further achievement. The HSBC banking group has become the biggest bank in the UK. Approximately half of all people in the UK now bank with HSBC banking group. The group has the largest branch network of any UK bank. The achievement also means that the new group has a broader range of expertise with multiple varieties under its banner. It is a more multicultural business, with stronger market attendance in areas such as mortgages, insurance, finance and investment. HSBC is using variety of advance technologies to make an international network, including a rapidly growing e-commerce capability; HSBC provides a comprehensive commercial range of financial services corporate service, personal services, private banking and other activities. They offer many other services including Braille, large print statement and sign language interpretations. HSBC working since 145 years, they are providing Internet banking, disabled customer account, mortgage, house loan etc. It is totally financial company but the company is providing insurance service as well. History of HSBC HSBC was established in 1865, as a small concept and idea; a local bank to serving local needs. It was based in Hongkong?s territory when it was born but at the current period of time HSBC welcomes customers from all over the world. It has centuries of banking experiences in china. Their experience has created its core strengths of resilience, flexibility and capability for improvement. A peek at its history explains why it believes in capital strength, strict cost control and in building long-term relationships with customers. HSBC has weathered change in all forms ? insurgency, economic crises, new technologies ? and has adapted to survive .Growth has come organically and through strategic achievement, and these purchases have brought their own strengths and cultures to the Group. The resulting corporate character of HSBC enables it to meet the challenges of the financial world of today and tomorrow .This brief history introduces the major events, decisions and personalities that h ave made HSBC what it is today. Even though it was at the centre of the sub prime hurricane, the wider group has weathered the economic crisis better than other global banks. According to Bromberg HSBC is one of world?s strongest banks by some measures. When HM treasury required all UK banks to increase their capital in October 2007, the group transferred ?750 million to London within hours, and announced that it had just lent ?4 billion to other UK banks. In March 2009, it announced that it had made US$9.3 billion of profit in 2008 and announced a ?12.5 billion (US$17.7 billion) rights issue to enable it to buy other banks that were struggling to survive. However, uncertainty over the rights issues implications for institutional investors caused volatility in the HongKong stock market on 9 march 2009 share of HSBC price fell 24.14%, with 12 million shares sold in the last few seconds of trading. SWOT Analysis Strengths HSBC, as a successful international financial company, provides advices and suggestion to other companies regarding international business. It has branches all over the world has got client from different environment and cultural but never beaten n this area.. HSBC knows how to follow structural and effective growth. It was mostly an Asian bank until it took over a UK bank in 1992 and now has become the worlds second-largest bank by profit. HSBC has different idea and concept about how to get more return from investments. HSBC provides qualitative services in an easier ways than other banking and financial sectors. If you open your account with HSBC you will receive every thing within few working days e,g; debit card and cheque book etc. HSBC is primarily listed on the London and HongKong stock exchanges, which saves the company much sorrow in to agree with new American Sarbanes-Oxley laws. To talk about current economic recession, it was at the higher position than recession while many banks and financial companies collapsed. Weaknesses While it is definitely a global company, HSBC came late to the game on deciding to perform an included marketing strategy and profit from on its international brand. Because it had set up so many different banks in different countries at different times over a hundred year period, it set them up under different names HongKong Bank of Canada, British Bank of the Middle East, HSBC Banco Roberts. Not even all of these Banks, prior to 1998, carried the HSBC logo. In 1998, they were all branded together, but the previous lack of branding and the name changes may have hurt HSBC in brand recognition. Customers may have thought that HSBC was taking over their local bank and not realized that HSBC had already been serving them for decades. In any case, the re-branding was an overdue move that should have occurred before 1998. The main weaknesses i found by research in this case study that its bad debts is increasing every year, which can be loophole for its better progress and success. As is frequently the case, proof profits can only last so long. Opportunities Other banks are running frightened of this region. However, HSBC has run its regional business locally and been rewarded for its attempt with abundant awards and tribute for the Middle East market. HSBC is a reliable name there, and the company has engaged advantage of Iraqs new democracy by creating an attendance in the country. HSBC is the biggest international bank in the Middle East. In totalling to the growing Chinese middle class, Brazilians and Indians are opening to appear as growing consumers, and therefore growing consumer spenders. Some denizens of these countries previously did not even own a bank account, but companies like HSBC are prepared to move in and take advantage of the growing middle class in these areas. In places like Argentina and Turkey, HSBC experienced pre-tax profits of 50% last year. This is where it is growing the most. By investing in these countries, HSBC can counterbalance problems it may have as spending in the US and UK declines. Threats As interest rates grow and the housing explosion ends, Americans are fore cast to rely less on consumer credit and more on their saving expertise to get by. The plunge in American spending will be bad for the global economy as a whole, and HSBC will positively be pretentious. In 2005, HSBC pre-tax profits rose 5% to $10.64bn (?6bn) for the first six months of the year, largely on grow in consumer finance for growing consumer spending. At that moment they increase the interest rates that are why company faces lot of problem. Last year, British employees held a strike involving 1,500 workers at HSBC branches in London. At its annual meeting, striking workers stand outside, handing out bags of nuts and saying that they are paid ?Peanuts? while HSBC experiences record profits. Strikes such as this, above all in union-conscious Europe, are bad for image reasons and HSBC needs to take action to ensure that its workers are happy just as its customers are. With a trillion dollars in managed assets, taking over HSBC is a crackers dream. HSBC has to remain on the front lines of safety and look after its customers, at the same time supportive them that online banking is safe. In August 2006, HSBC was accused, although it?s claimed airtight security; of having left its online customers open to a safety anomaly for two years without fixing. Researchers at Cambridge University claimed that any HSBC account could be broken into within nine attempts. Last year, HSBC Company?s Chief Executive Officer published our HSBC Company got thousand of email viruses. At that moment HSBC Company spent lot of money to stop these from causing systemized damage. As most banking is done on computers, even one virus could cripple HSBC. PESTEL Analysis Political HSBC is operating across different geopolitical landscape. It has its presence on every continent of the world with countries having varying political ideology. Economical Recently, HSBC had survived without any government aid, -the worst financial crisis since the great depression in 1929. Social HSBC operates in a highly diversified cultural environment due to its global banking presence. It highlights in its advertisement about the ?THE USE OF LOCAL KNOWLEDGE? and ?THE WORLDS LOCAL BANK? as a way to connect to all its Target Market. Technological HSBC had intensified its campaign to encourage its customers to use the online banking facilities. It has also made its branches have cash counting and pay bills kiosk or machines which greatly improve its operational efficiency. Environmental As a major global bank, HSBC is also at the epicentre of the carbon footprint reduction commitment because of it global and large scale operation. Legal The move by G8 spearheaded by the UK and United States Government to put a limit on the Banker?s bonus will cause significant negative effects on its ability to attract and retain highly skilled and talented workforce especially on its investment banking group. Marketing strategy of HSBC Brand: Make HSBC and its hexagon symbol one of the worlds leading brands for customer experience and corporate social responsibility. Personal Financial Services: Drive growth in key markets and through appropriate channels to make HSBC the strongest global player in personal financial services. Consumer Finance: Expand to arrive of this business to existing customers through a wider product range and to get into new markets. Commercial Banking: Make the most of HSBC international customer base through effective relationship management and improved product offerings in all the Groups markets. Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets: To hasten to progress or incidence of growth by enhancing capital markets and advisory capabilities straight focused on client service in defined sectors where HSBC has critical relevance and strength. Private Banking: Serve the Groups highest value personal clients around the world. People: Attract, develop and motivate HSBC people, rewarding success and rejecting poorness. TSR: fulfil HSBC TSR target by achieving strong aggressive performances in earnings per share growth and efficiency. HSBC target at anyhow they want to increase our per share growth. Conclusion: HSBC has 140 years experience of china. It has 8500 offices in 86 Countries and Territories. HSBC, as a major bank, provides a wide range of services to support new businesses from initial idea to running the business. When it was born it has a small idea to serving local needs. Nowadays it welcome to all over the world customers. It has been using a huge technology to connect international market. It has a good strategy to make sufficient money. It provides the faster services than other financial organizations. HSBC know how to succeed in MA organic and effective growth. It is definitely global company; it has a so many competitors. In my view HSBC?s market segmentation and market penetration is good part of the organization. I recommended HSBC what they are doing; keep continuing but customers needs and desires are dynamic. HSBC has to try to fulfil the customer?s needs. BARCLAYS, NATEWEST, HALIFAX are main competitor of HSBC. They are also serving the same kind of service and using same kind of marketing strategies. If HSBC does not attention about these competitors it should bear huge loss in future. HSBC has won the customers faith so I recommended keeping it up. Watch the global market competitors and try to provider better service than other organization. References: P. Kotler, marketing management Analysis, planning, implementation and control, 7th edn, prentice-hall, Englewood cliffs, NJ, 1991, p.129.s F.A. Russ and C.A Kirkpatrick, marketing, Little, Brown C., Boston, MA 1982, p.24. C.R Darwin, on the origin of the species, 1859. M.E porter, Competitive strategy, free press, New York 1980. F. Buttle, Relationship Marketing: Theory and practice, Paul Chapman, London 1996, p.13. http://www.wikipedia.history.//